Pink Begonia fuchsioides

Reference : BEG-FUC-002

The pink Begonia fuchsioides is a plant native to the tropical regions of South America. Its pink bell-shaped flowers resemble the fuchsia flower. This plant prefers shady and humid areas and requires a well-drained soil rich in organic matter. It is enjoyed indoors, in greenhouses or outdoors in shady gardens in pots or containers.


Begonias are notable for their wide variety of shapes, colours and sizes, as well as their ability to adapt to different types of environments, both indoor and outdoor. In addition, begonias are also valued for their resistance to certain diseases and their tolerance to a wide range of temperatures and humidity, making them popular with both novice and experienced gardeners.

Over the centuries, begonias have become increasingly popular as ornamental plants, thanks to their variety of leaf shapes and colours, as well as flowers. Many hybrids have been created to improve the aesthetic characteristics and hardiness of begonias.

Description of the pink Begonia fuchsioides.

The pink Begonia fuchsioides is a plant native to the tropical regions of South America. It is widely cultivated for its pink, bell-shaped flowers, which closely resemble those of the fuchsia. The leaves are green, slightly glossy and serrated.

What is the original habitat of the pink Begonia fuchsioides?

The pink Begonia fuchsioides grows in shady rainforests, usually at altitudes between 500 and 1500 metres.

Flowering of the pink Begonia fuchsioides.

The pink Begonia fuchsioides usually flowers from spring to autumn, producing clusters of pink flowers 7 to 8 cm long. The flowers are borne on long stalks that emerge from the foliage as they droop.

How do I care for the pink Begonia fuchsioides?

The pink Begonia fuchsioides is a fairly easy plant to grow, but it requires a well-drained soil rich in organic matter. Our green & flowering plant potting soil will do the trick. It prefers shady and humid areas, but must be protected from direct sunlight. It requires regular watering, but too much water can cause root rot. It can be propagated by cuttings.

The use of the pink Begonia fuchsioides.

The pink Begonia fuchsioides is a popular ornamental plant with delicate flowers and attractive foliage. It is often used indoors, in greenhouses or outdoors in shady gardens. It can also be grown as a hanging plant or in a pot. This plant is sensitive to cold temperatures and should be grown frost-free.


Dominant colour
Type of Flower
Average height
Frost Resistance
Low resistance
Sepal Colour
Tube Colour
Type of use
Pot or Tray
Flowering period
Decorative foliage
Edible plant